Saturday, June 25, 2016

#Safety2016 - Adventures on Saturday

#Safety2016 officially starts tomorrow, June 26, 2016, but we have been busy scoping out the Georgia World Congress Center, CNN Center, and the Omni Hotel here in Atlanta, GA.

Piper Pangolin had a photo op with the "Conanolphin" or "Conanopoise." We are working on a "trailer" video for the Safety 2017 conference and a recap video of our experiences at #Safety2017 that we will post on YouTube. We've also done a pre-conference activities video that we'll be posting shortly.

We are excited to attend the House of Delegates tomorrow. We will probably attend the WISE networking event on Sunday and the Combined Practice Specialties meeting on Monday, representing the Industrial Hygiene Practice Specialty.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Self-Congratulatory CSP Cartoon before #Safety2016

To regain my sense of self and creativity, I decided to draw a congratulatory manga about passing the Certified Safety Professional (CSP) exam last week. 

Here's the pencil sketch version:

Pencil sketch of "Industrious Hygienist vs. CSP Exam"

Here's the fully inked version:

Ink (black and white) version of "Industrious Hygienist vs. CSP Exam"

I'm particularly proud of the left hand middle panel ("Just freaking relax already!") because the ink work turned out really crisp and it has a lot of emotion.

Below is the full color version of the manga, with Safety 2016 (#Safety2016) coloring on the right-hand side, since that is the next "beast" I plan to conquer.

Full color version of "Industrious Hygienist vs. CSP" - See you at Safety 2016!

My colleague/friend/mentor also brought me some lovely flowers in celebration of passing the CSP exam, so I thought I would showcase her creativity and kindness as well.

Flowers with card: Creative, Smart, Perfection. 

Check out my previous blog post for my plans while attending #Safety2016 in Atlanta.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Plans for #Safety2016 in Atlanta

Now that the CSP Beast has been conquered, I'm making my plans for #Safety2016 in Atlanta. Safety 2016 is the professional development conference and exhibition for the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE)

Here's the tentative schedule of events for the Industrious Hygienist:

Saturday - June 25, 2016

Sunday - June 26, 2016

Attend the ASSE House of Delegates as the Industrial Hygiene Practice Specialty proxy.
Attend ASSE Region II party!

Monday - June 27, 2016

Session 518: Safety Excellence - The Big 5 at L'Oreal 
Session 543: Revolutionizing Risk Assessments - Oh My, Oh My, Bowties!
Session 566: A Federal OSHA Safe Patient Handling & Mobility Inspection & Citation
Session 580: Making the Fall Protection System Fit the Workplace

Tuesday - June 28, 2016

Session 605: Practicing Emergency Preparedness - The Key to a Successful Failure
Session 634: Laboratory Safety
Session 665: 3 A's of Ninja Awesomeness - Ninja-Style Back Safety and Injury Prevention

Wednesday - June 29, 2016

Session 707: Beyond the OSHA Log - Safety Management Systems for Healthcare
Session 744: How ISO 45001 Will Drive Business Excellence
Session 769: Remember the Ladies - Gender Equity for OSH Programs*

Join the Industrious Hygienist at #Safety2016

Session #769 is highlighted and underlined because I am co-presenting this session with Dr. Ilise Feitshans. We have an engaging presentation planned that will discuss the concept of gender equity and how it can be integrated into occupational safety and health programs.

Our session is being sponsored by Chubb (thank you!), the Women in Safety Engineering (WISE) Common Interest Group (thank you!), and the Industrial Hygiene Practice Specialty (thank you!).

Piper Pangolin is also coming to the conference, and we'll be roaming the expo hall for more interesting things to showcase in our Safety 2016 recap video. Last year's recap video was fun to make and will show you what to expect at Safety 2016.

A PPE vending machine at Safety 2015.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

How to Study for and Pass the CSP Exam

Dear loyal readers,

Thanks for your patience during the long delay between posts. I have great news � I passed the Certified Safety Professional (CSP) exam yesterday! I�m working on a celebratory manga, but in the meantime, I�d like to pass along my study tips for this difficult exam.

I started studying for the exam in October 2015, when I took the Bowen EHS CSP Online Review Course. This course was immensely helpful in helping me identify where I needed to focus my self-study efforts. Based on the various topics and final exam, I identified my weak spots as: risk analysis, statistics, physics, radiation, and fire protection.

Reference sources that I reviewed and found useful:

A colleague also gifted me with her old (2011) CSP review course materials and a 2010 CSP Self-Assessment. Her course materials also had excellent problem sets and summary material ready for flash cards. I�ve taught Occupational Safety to graduate students for three years, so I thought I had a pretty solid grasp on the material � until I sat down to take the 2010 CSP Self-Assessment from BCSP about 10 days before my exam. Based on my, uh, lackluster score, I decided to redouble my efforts and really study.

The Bowen EHS CSP Online Review Course comes with an added bonus � a one-year membership to their �premium resources.� These resources include practice quizzes (by topic area) based on a bank of 675+ questions that they have developed since 2003. Each practice quiz contains a reference to the solution page, so you can go back on questions you missed to see how it was supposed to be solved. I went through about 200 questions on the practice quizzes and was able to narrow down my weak areas even further. Basically, my brain hates physics, mechanical engineering, statistics/probability, and risk analysis methodologies (FMEA, FTA, MORT, HAZOP, etc.). Maybe it�s the algebra. I may have arithmophobia specific to algebra. :) My brain just freezes up every time one of those questions flashes on the screen.

Some of the super-helpful practice quizzes in the Bowen EHS Member Center.

After some intense studying for 3 days, I took the 2015 CSP Self-Assessment and scored a 90%. Since much of the content between the 2011 and 2015 CSP Self-Assessments is similar, I figured that a bit more studying was in order. I made two decks of flash cards for specific items that required memorization. But the thing I am proudest of is my �safety alchemy� drawing. Here it is:

The Industrious Hygienist's CSP Exam safety alchemy art!

When I passed the Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) exam in 2012, one of the most helpful things I did was create an abstract symbol and fill it with the things I needed to memorize (constants, equations not on the reference sheet, etc.). So my CSP exam �safety alchemy� drawing contained the items that I wanted to memorize.

The drawing has information about experience modification rates, total case incident rates, radiation exposure measures, the range of normal human hearing, radiation quality factors, sizes of particulates, potential vs. kinetic energy, respirator assigned protection factors, the NIOSH lifting equation, volume of a cylinder, types of hard hats, air changes per hour, eyewash flow rates, combustible metals, distance between a crane and a power line, specific gravity, guardrails, probability, ISO standards, ANSI standards, LOTO, risk management, process safety management, types of fires, and fire sprinkler placement. All in one handy piece of art.

When I sat down to take the test, I used the scratch paper to draw my safety alchemy art, which had a calming and centering effect since I drew it for several days prior to the exam. The most ironic part is that most of the items on my safety alchemy art were not even on the exam version I took. My exam (for double irony) was heavy on statistics/probability, training, risk analysis (FMEA, FTA, MORT, HAZOP, etc.), radiation, and system safety.

I found some extra sources for studying if you�re like me and have issues with the topics referenced below:

I also went through a bunch of OSH Academy courses where I needed a refresher. The OSH Academy website is easy to use and I am currently enrolled in (almost done!) the 132-Hour OSH Professional course. I found the narrative easy to read and the quizzes were helpful. I really liked the custom posters and infographics used in modules throughout the course. there's a healthcare-specific track that I am doing next. 

Other helpful (and free!) video sources for CIH/CSP studying:

Look for more frequent posts and some new manga in future weeks. I am excited to get back to my creative life now that this professional/analytical hurdle has been achieved.