Friday, July 18, 2014

Spoggles Redux

They say that imitation is the highest form of flattery, right?

A friend of mine recently noted that if you search for "spoggles" on Google, my blog post from April 23, 2013 was one of the first things to pop up. This was a very exciting thing - I thought I would test it out today.

Imagine my surprise when a FlexiCrew blog post from August 27, 2013 popped up as the first item on Google. 

Me: "Dang, I'm not the first one anymore! Let's see what they have to say. I'll bet mine is better! Mine has cartoons!"

I clicked on their post and immediately realized most of the post was very familiar, because I wrote it last year. I almost always cite my sources or link to original works when "borrowing" material from other blogs or websites. I guess it's silly of me to expect the same effort from other bloggers.

See below for the most obvious examples.

Theirs: So, for those of you not in the environmental health and safety field, Spoggles is an industry term for safety eyewear designed to prevent airborne dust and debris from getting in our eyeballs. Airborne dust and debris is a leading cause of eye injuries in today�s workplaces. Spoggles = Safety + Goggles, with a random �p� thrown in there since �sgoggles� or �sagoggles� or �safoggles� sound even weirder."

Mine: So, for those of you not in the environmental health and safety field [...] Spoggles is an industry term for safety eyewear designed to prevent airborne dust and debris from getting in our eyeballs. Airborne dust and debris is a leading cause of eye injuries in today's workplaces. Spoggles = Safety + Goggles, with a random "p" thrown in there since "sgoggles" or "sagoggles" or "safoggles" sound even weirder.

And it continues...

Theirs: The glasses/goggles are supposed to seal up against your face (via the foam inserts at the interior edges of the lenses), and keep dust out of your eyes. There are potential issues with spoggles, and reasons why people sometimes choose not to wear their personal protective equipment (PPE) when doing work in a dusty environment:

  • the glasses fog up 
  • the glasses can get scratched so it is hard to see 
  • the foam can get �smushed� (technical term) and be less effective 
  • when you take off your glasses, the dust that was at the top and sides/edges of the glasses (and in your eyebrows) can fall right into your eye anyway 
  • some people think they look nerdy (also a technical term) 
  • the earpieces can irritate the heck out of the back of your ears 

Mine: The glasses/goggles are supposed to seal up against your face (via the foam inserts at the interior edges of the lenses), and keep dust out of your eyes. There are potential issues with spoggles, and reasons why people sometimes choose not to wear their personal protective equipment (PPE) when doing work in a dusty environment:

  • the glasses fog up 
  • the glasses can get scratched so it is hard to see 
  • the foam can get �smushed� (technical term) and be less effective 
  • when you take off your glasses, the dust that was at the top and sides/edges of the glasses (and in your eyebrows) can fall right into your eye anyway 
  • some people think they look nerdy (also a technical term) 
  • the earpieces can irritate the heck out of the back of your ears 

And then both blog posts end almost the same way.

Theirs: But looking nerdy and having to take care of your PPE and using good personal hygiene while at work are a small price to pay compared to losing your eyesight or getting a nasty infection in your eye from contaminated dust. So our Flexpert�s advice � Keep a supply of spoggles on hand. With some lanyards. And some no-fog. And to sum up: spoggles are real. Spoggles are good. Spoggles may save your eyesight. Wear them if you have them.

Mine: But looking nerdy and having to take care of your PPE and using good personal hygiene while at work are a small price to pay compared to losing your eyesight or getting a nasty infection in your eye from contaminated dust. [...] Keep a supply of spoggles on hand. With some lanyards. And some no-fog. [...] So, to sum up: spoggles are real. Spoggles are good. Spoggles may save your eyesight. Wear them if you have them.

I'm choosing to not be irritated (although, really, how hard would it have been to say something like, "Thanks, Industrious Hygienist in Arizona, for the original content!" with a link to my blog?). I'm choosing to remember that it doesn't matter how the information gets out to workers, as long as it is effective in helping them realize that PPE is important but has limitations.

And I'm choosing to be flattered. But I may continue to post about spoggles and throw the keyword into a bunch of my new posts just to keep the excitement alive. There will also be a new cartoon about spoggles coming up soon.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Too busy for safety? I don't think so.

I�ve recently binge-watched BBC's "Sherlock" and got to thinking about body language and how to improve my observational skills. More specifically, I wanted to evaluate my body language when someone comes into my office or approaches me after a meeting � usually to ask for help with a safety issue.

Does my body language communicate how I feel? Do people feel they can approach me with safety concerns without fear of reprimand or dismissal? Or do they feel I�m too busy/stressed for their particular question?

I set up a task list of things to work into my repertoire when engaging with coworkers and upper management about safety, adapted in part from WikiHow:
  • Smile
  • Open Up
  • Use Your Eyes
Why smile? An article in Forbes on �The Untapped Power of Smiling� discusses a few benefits of a smile in defusing tense situations and connecting with others.
  • A smile has the same meaning in many different societies.
  • It is hard to frown and stay unhappy or stressed when interacting with someone who smiles.
  • The physical act of smiling can make us feel better.
  • A number of studies have been completed on the health benefits of smiling. Smiling is associated with: reduced stress hormone levels (cortisol, adrenaline, and dopamine), increased overall health, increased mood-improving hormone levels (endorphins), and lower blood pressure, to name a few.
  • When we smile, we appear likeable and courteous, but we�re also perceived to be more competent by those we are interacting with.

When you are serving as a safety manager, you�re in a position of trust. You need to behave in such a way that people trust you, trust your judgment, and try to understand your reasoning. So, say it with a smile.

Open Up

There are ways to �open up� your body language, and there are also ways to open up a discussion. For body language, movements such as angling your body towards the person you are speaking to, sitting or standing up straight, un-crossing your arms, and making eye contact would be a great place to start. Don�t consistently check your cell phone or computer while speaking to the other person.

An article in Forbes on �10 Simple and Powerful BodyLanguage Tips for 2014� explains additional methods for improving your body language. 

About to have an intense meeting? Nervous in large groups? Try this.

�Right before you enter the meeting room, take a deep breath and exhale through your mouth. (If you are unobserved, make a soft �ahh� sound.) Doing so releases the tension in your neck, shoulders and jaw that can make you look rigid or aggressive.�

Not sure when to stop a meeting? Not sure if you�ve �lost� your audience to boredom?

�People often signal that they are ready to end a conversation by assuming the position of someone ready to rise. (They may move to the edge of the chair, or lean forward with hands on the arms of the chair or hands on knees.)�

Also watch for people putting pen caps back on, closing notebooks or notepads, closing their tablet case, and putting their pen down. Your meeting is over. They�ve stopped listening. You�ll have to try to get their attention another way.

Need a quick mental pick-me-up to re-engage your focus throughout the day? Feeling overwhelmed?

�Your body helps you become [�] more dynamic [�] when it is grounded � feet planted firmly on the floor, a hips-width apart, with your weight evenly distributed. A broad stance like this calms your nervous system, allows you to breathe with ease, and amplifies your voice.�

I like to strike a quick yoga mountain pose with my office door closed before a meeting or site walk.

Per the Forbes article, if you keep your personality and posture relaxed, inclusive, and open, your coworkers and upper management will likely respond with cohesive, positive, and productive attitudes.

What about opening up a discussion? Are you just sitting across the table, barely making eye contact, waiting for the person talking to you to finish so you can interject your opinion? Or are you listening to their words, their tone of voice, and waiting to solve the problem until you�ve heard it all the way through?

There has been an increased focus on �active listening� in the media and in career-building circles.

  • Hear the words the other person is saying
  • Try to understand the complete message
  • Do not form your counter argument while they are speaking
  • Acknowledge what they are saying without interrupting (say �uh huh� or nod your head to show that you are listening, or at least following the pace of the conversation)
  • Reflect back on what the other person is saying (i.e. �What I�m hearing is��)
  • Ask questions to clarify a point you may have misunderstood

When you start asking questions, this presents an opportunity to discuss the problem and educate the person you are talking to. But if you haven�t really been listening, you might not fully understand the problem.

Use Your Eyes
You don�t need to work to develop Sherlock Holmes� skills of deductive reasoning � just use your eyes. Make direct but not intimidating eye contact. Is the person you�re speaking with nervous or afraid? Are they angry? Have they just come off a long shift? Are they exhausted? Do they look dehydrated?

Sometimes people will �blow things out of proportion� or come in to my office, eyes strained, veins pumping, face flushed, and ready to do battle over whatever issue is bothering them. Usually once I ask them to sit down to talk, offer them some water, and give them a chance to �blow off some steam,� they�ll come to a resolution for the problem on their own. They just need to work it out in a positive environment, free of the stimulus that was upsetting them.

I hope I�ve been doing better in listening and not pretending I know the ultimate answer to every safety or industrial hygiene problem that pops up. I�ve noticed that smiling at people, opening up my body language, fully listening to the issues brought to my attention, and using my eyes have helped improve my personal and professional relationships.

The Industrious Hygienist is never too busy for safety.

So here�s my commitment to current and future clients, co-workers, and management:
 I am never too busy for safety. Stop me and ask your question. I'll try to give you my full attention and really listen to what you have to say.